Tasks & Objectives
Objective of the EUROREGION ELBE/LABE and its organs is to make work and tasks of the EUROREGION ELBE/LABE transparent and to simplify and to streamline the regional cross border collaboration. The Collaboration based on the principles of equality under attention on the European Outline Convention on Trans-frontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authorities, which passed the Council of Europe (CE) in 1980.
The foundation conference assigned the following targets and objectives:
- Support of collaboration and development in the fields of:
- regional planning,
- nature and environment,
- business development and tourism/ development of infrastructure,
- civil protection and rescue,
- traffic,
- culture, education, sport, encounter,
- health and social services;
- Support of municipal and individual projects which are associated with the regional goals of development;
- Support of all activities and efforts on a municipal level, which promote the development in border areas on the common EU internal frontier;
- Representation of the regional interests at authorities and institutions and support of activities in frame of the binding agreements about regional and municipal transborder cooperation.