Annual reports
Euroregion Elbe/Labe
- Annual Report 2002 [2,07 MB]
- Annual Report 2003 [4,12 MB]
- Annual Report 2004 [2,56 MB]
- Annual Report 2005 [5,31 MB]
Svazek obcà Euroregion Labe
- Annual Report 2002 [170,67 kB]
- Annual Report 2003 [119,34 kB]
- Annual Report 2004 [206,63 kB]
- Annual Report 2005 [114,14 kB]
- Annual Report 2006 [166,14 kB]
Info sheets:
- Agenda “Free State Saxony – Czech Republic� Interreg III A (German) [1,18 MB]
- Amendment to the Agenda “Free State Saxony – Czech Republic� Interreg III A (German) [1,04 MB]
- Target analysis of the EUROREGION ELBE/LABE 1998 - 99 (Czech) [129,49 kB]
- Interreg IIIA-2000-2006 [5,04 MB]
- Final report "Grenzen öffnen sich" (German) [1,03 MB]
- Visionen für die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in der Gründungsphase der EUROREGION ELBE/LABE (German) [115,68 kB]
- Die Entwicklung der Rechtsgrundlagen für eine grenzübergreifende Zusammenarbeit an der deutsch-tschechischen Grenze (German) [163,6 kB]
- Die Verwaltungsreform in der Tschechischen Republik (German) [1,35 MB]
- Entstehung und Entwicklung der EUROREGION ELBE/LABE (German) [116,26 kB]
- Presentation "Partnerinstitutionen" (German) [73,29 kB]
Further information about the European Community Initiative INTERREG IIA in Saxony you find here (Czech, German, Polish).